Mayor of Farmington to Give Commencement Speech

Celebrating Achievements and Encouraging Future Success

Mayor Duckett with City of Farmington seal in the background.市长内特·达克特在法明顿有着深厚的根基,他15岁时随家人从丹佛搬到这里. 他是法明顿高中和新墨西哥大学的毕业生,在那里他获得了犯罪学文学学士学位. He’s the first in his family to graduate from college.

Duckett市长的职业生涯始于企业管理,之后转入保险业. However, his true passion has always been public service. 2014年,他成功竞选法明顿市议会,进入当地政界. In 2018, he was elected mayor, a position he holds with pride. 达克特市长是一位大胆的领导者和远见卓识的人,他不知疲倦地努力使法明顿的经济多样化.

As a dedicated community ambassador, 他利用自己的平台来扩大法明顿的品牌重塑,使之成为户外爱好者和活跃家庭蓬勃发展的地方. Under Mayor Duckett’s leadership, the City of Farmington has expanded its outdoor recreation offerings, created an economic development department, remodeled the historic downtown arts and cultural district, and partnered in initiatives to attract retirees and location-neutral workers. 他还积极参与支持社区的传统和新兴能源产业. 作为一名民选官员,我深知透明度和社区参与的重要性, 达克特市长致力于让法明顿的居民了解城市事务. He does this through his bimonthly podcast, The Mayor’s Table, and weekly radio show, Moneybelt Radio.

When he’s not advocating for his community or volunteering his time, Mayor Duckett enjoys traveling with his family. 作为一名技艺高超的家庭厨师,他还以烹饪技巧而闻名,他是一名周末高尔夫球手,决心实现难以捉摸的一杆进洞.

Posted in May - June Communicator

President's Column

Congratulations Graduates!

Toni Pendergrass standing outside next to bench smiling at camera毕业是一项人人都在庆祝的成就——从我们的员工到你的家人和朋友. Our graduates have achieved a significant milestone, and we are excited to share in their incredible success at our commencement ceremony.

I invite you to read the story about our student graduation speaker featured on the cover of this issue. Her story is inspiring and we are honored to be a part of her educational journey. This year’s commencement keynote speaker, Mayor Nate Duckett, will offer an encouraging and positive message to graduates.

除了我们的毕业生,我们还有许多成功值得庆祝. 我要感谢所有获得塔普利奖的教职员工,我邀请你们 read more on page 3. 这个奖项每年颁发给那些在课堂上表现出色的教师. Another success we are proud of is once again earning the distinction as a Military Friendly® School, which recognizes the support we provide our veteran students. 我们的退伍军人中心很自豪能为那些为国家和他们的家人服务的人服务.

While the spring semester is now complete, 校园里有各种各样的暑期学习机会,适合各个年龄段的学生. In addition to our traditional offerings, Kids Kollege 从6月5日至8月11日,为4至15岁的学生提供超过175门课程. These courses allow our youngest students to continue learning throughout the summer. One “can’t miss” program is this year’s GenCyber Camp. 这个免费夏令营允许初高中学生参与令人兴奋的网络安全活动.

我衷心感谢太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站的员工和学生们使本学年取得了成功. 我期待着祝贺每一位毕业生,并与他们的家人和朋友一起庆祝这一非凡的成就.

Posted in May - June Communicator

2023 Kids Kollege Offers Gigabytes of Fun this Summer

年轻的学生正在为儿童学院的千兆字节夏日乐趣制作电子产品,GenCyber传单Kids Kollege 2023 offers 177 classes spread over 10 weeks beginning June 5, and running through August 11, for students four to 15 years of age.

For 2023, the Kids Kollege program is pleased to announce a free GenCyber Camp for High School and Middle School students.  参与者可以在令人难忘的网络安全实践生涯中发现什么, highly-engaging week. By programming drones and programming robots, students will cultivate technology strengths, 他们将通过网络行为了解网络安全的重要性以及白帽子的区别, black hat, and ethical hacking.

“We are pleased to once again host a cybersecurity summer camp,” says Dr. Lorenzo Reyes, vice president for Workforce & Economic Development. “夏令营是初高中学生探索通往高等教育职业道路的绝佳机会, leading to good-paying jobs.”

GenCyber was a huge success in 2017 and 2018, 我们很高兴能成为国家安全局的资助对象,并再次为我们的社区提供这个机会,” explains Continuing Education Director Liesl Dees.

Additional Kids Kollege classes include perennial favorites, such as Fancy Like Nancy, Indoor Rock Climbing, Basketball Central, and Japanese Cooking. Others are new and timely, including Mini STEM Science, Big Screen Piano, Cel Animation, Beginning Diné Language, and Kids Pickleball Basics. Older students can take Drones, Electronics, Basic 3D Printing, and Intermediate 3D Printing太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站创客空间获得顶级设备的实践经验, The Big Idea.

Most classes run one week, 因此,家庭可以制定其他的暑期计划,或者让外地的孙辈和表亲参加一周的娱乐活动. Many classes are two hours for five days, 其他选择包括早上7:45开始的超级暑期STEM夏令营.m. and classes that last until 5 p.m. for working parents.

Kids Kollege offers scholarship opportunities through the San Juan College Foundation, 包括超级暑期STEM夏令营的全额奖学金和49美元的奖学金,这些奖学金可以申请到其他Kids college课程. For students who have completed the sixth and seventh grades, the BHP Billiton Youth Camp 在必和必拓通过太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站基金会的慷慨捐助下,该校提供了为期5天的免费大学夏令营.

Applications for GenCyber Camp and scholarship instructions are posted on the Kids Kollege website. 家庭还将在网站上发现方便和简单的注册体验,除非通过现金或支票支付,否则无需亲自注册.

Visit Kids Kollege , or call the Community Learning Center at 505-566-3214 for additional questions.

Posted in May - June Communicator

Congratulations, San Juan College Class of 2023!

I am SJC San Juan College Purple Zia symbol artwork

I am honored to recognize and celebrate this momentous achievement with you all. 你们付出了很多努力才走到这一步,你们的奉献和坚持得到了回报. You should all be proud of yourselves for making it to this significant milestone. As you prepare to embark on the next chapter of your lives, I want to remind you to never lose sight of your dreams and aspirations. You have the power to accomplish anything you set your minds to, and this is just the beginning of a world of opportunities. Whether you decide to continue your education or enter the workforce, always remember to stay focused and committed to your goals. 我鼓励你们勇于冒险,尝试新事物,但也要意识到自己的极限. Along the way, you will undoubtedly face challenges and obstacles, but your education and resilience will help you overcome them. Remember that every challenge you face is an opportunity for growth and learning. Embrace these challenges with an open mind and a positive attitude. You are all capable of achieving great things, and I have no doubt that you will. As the saying goes, “Carpe diem!” Seize the day! This is a time for celebration and reflection, but also for looking toward the future with hope and excitement. 我希望你们借此机会享受这一重要时刻,并为自己的成就感到自豪. Never forget that you are part of the San Juan College family, and we are all here to support and encourage you in all of your future endeavors. You have formed lifelong connections during your time here, and I encourage you all to stay connected with each other. I wish you all prosperity, good health, and a happy spirit. 永远记住你在太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站所学到的知识和技能, and carry them with you wherever you go. 我再次向你们表示祝贺,并向你们每一个人致以诚挚的祝福.


Cade D. Allison
Associated Students President
Posted in May - June Communicator

San Juan College Graduation 2023

San Juan College will hold graduation ceremonies for its students, 以及那些获得新墨西哥高地大学法明顿中心和新墨西哥大学圣胡安中心学位的人, beginning at 9 a.m., Saturday, May 13, in the Learning Commons Plaza.  

View 2023 Graduation Live-Stream

Mayor Nate Duckett of Farmington, will give the guest keynote address. San Juan College president Dr. Toni Hopper Pendergrass will preside over the ceremonies.

Graduation will recognize over 1,800 San Juan College graduates earning associate degrees and certificates, 在新墨西哥高地大学圣胡安中心获得学士和硕士学位的毕业生超过119人, and the University of New Mexico – Farmington Center.

太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站董事会将颁发文凭和证书给学生.  Faculty members serving as grand marshals are Sherri Cummins and Annette Abend. Music will be under the direction of Dr. Teun Fetz.

Gayle Dean, executive director of the San Juan College Foundation, 将基金会的艾利森卓越奖授予一位杰出的教员. Interim Vice President for Learning Dr. Lisa Perez will recognize this year’s honors students.

由毕业委员会选出的代表班级并在今年的典礼上发言的毕业生是Angelica Castillo. Castillo will receive an Associate of Arts in Human Services-Generalist degree.

Following graduation ceremonies, a reception will be held on the west lawn of the Henderson Fine Arts Center.

Posted in General News